Monday, October 1, 2012

The 48-Hour Cleanse: Day 1

I am usually quite busy. Don't get me wrong, I thrive when I am busy - I seem to do a lot more and have a better attitude about a lot of things. When things are slow I seem to revert into this lonesome hermit who doesn't care about much of anything.

However, when things get busy it's hard to keep track of what I am putting in my body. A breakfast taco here, some fries there, a cocktail (or 9) and you forget to do any kind of exercise in the midst of all this. Sometimes time flies and you start feeling like crap and you wonder why and you realize you have gone completely off track. This past week I have experienced this. I was starting to feel puny and ended up getting sick (which I still am recovering from). I knew I needed to do something to turn things around. I came across Dr. Oz 48-hour cleanse, and as I reviewed the menu and it's ingredients I realized it was pretty manageable as long as I could stay away from outside temptations. Luckily enough I had to go home and dog sit for my parents for two days. PERFECT.  The next few posts will be based on my experiences from this 48-hour cleanse, which is smoothie and fresh vegetable based.

Day 1 

Since I have been sick, I ended up sleeping in way later than I am used to (like several hours later). It was so late that I figured I really shouldn't start out with breakfast for the cleanse so I made the lunch smoothie and a snack salad for throughout the day. The smoothie consisted of:
  • 1/2 cup plain/unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 tbs flaxseed
  • 1/4 cup frozen blueberries
  • 1/4 banana
  • 1/2 cup of ice
Obviously, throw all of this into a blender until smooth. 
This is a pretty normal smoothie, I would typically make this during a regular day anyway. The snack mix was chopped celery, cucumber and radishes. For the cleanse, you are allowed to eat this mixture throughout the day as well as two other snack alternatives which include another smoothie and a juice mixture. 

This entire cleanse was created to give your body nutrients while detoxifying your kidneys, colon and liver. I am hoping this cleanse will kick-start my body back to what it used to be because this sick feeling is not something I enjoy.

The Dr. Oz Cleanse doesn't mention anything about drinking water or green tea, but I plan to have those two on hand throughout the day. I am an avid coffee drinker, so I need at least a little caffeine - or I will go crazy, also hot tea is making my throat feel better (so much coughing).

Day 1 -  3 p.m.
This is a 32 oz tumbler filled with all the juice created from
the juice recipe minus the glass I had for a snack.

So far today I have had the smoothie mentioned above, a small serving of the fresh mixed salad above and I just made a mixed juice drink consisting of:
  • 3/4 cup pineapple juice (I just blended some pineapple)
  • 1 lemon 
  • 1 cup unsweetened pomegranate juice (not from concentrate)
  • 3 cups water
This recipe made a lot of juice. I only had one regular size glass. The good thing is I have one portion of it made, so I can drink the juice throughout the day. I haven't felt hungry yet, but I don't know if that is related to the fact that the past few days I haven't felt very hungry because I have felt so sick.

Day 1 - Dinner

Dinner consisted of a veggie broth soup and a side of sauerkraut and apples. The broth was really delicious it had all sorts of veggies.
  • Shitake mushrooms
  • Fennel
  • Red Onion
  • Celery
  • Cabbage
  • Garlic 
Chop all those veggies up into medium to small size pieces, they don't have to be chopped nicely - they are just going in the broth and you can eat them if you want. The soup was delicious and light and the recipe made a ton of servings. I've noticed that a lot with the recipes from Dr. Oz, all the servings are huge and they aren't clear on the website if you use one recipe for both days. The soup, obviously can be saved and used as just regular veggie broth, or for a regular soup for several days. I even plan to freeze it and use it later on. 

1 comment:

midnitechef said...

I've been sick too, blasted sinus infection! I trust Dr. Oz and there's nothing wrong with more veggies in your diet :) I might try the kale smoothie, or some version of it. Thanks for sharing!